Expanding DEPT.two is the ultimate goal. When I purchased 621 1st Avenue, it was just the beginning of the larger scale space that I envisioned.
Sustainability in this project has come to the fore front. I am referring to the manageability of ALL THE THINGS…
LAGOM to me is taking the time in everyday to feed the social, emotional, physical & growth departments in life. We will never truly find complete balance in our lives, however, if we intentionally take time every day to satisfy these needs- you are certainly going in the RIGHT direction.
The funniest part of this expansion is that an immense amount of time is being used to get LAGOM off the ground- or shall I say - on the ground. There is no balance in this feat! This is a season of hustle, grind, tears, fears, & JOY; I have promised myself to intentionally live the letters of L A G O M.
L - I am alive, Living the best I can for myself & my family & those I love and care about.
A - Being Active, getting outside and moving my body.
G - Focusing on Gratitude for what I have & the good in my life.
O - Opportunities that are in the day ahead of me and how I will take action on them.
M - What Motivates me, am I doing the right thing to move me in the right direction?
LAGOM will certainly bring more work to the table. But it will encourage me to grow and share the gifts that I have been given. Provide opportunities for others to flourish with their gifts & a beautiful space to continue to do beautiful things, sustainably.
Watch for updates on our expansion on Instagram and at the future home of LAGOM by DEPT.two- 809 & 813 7th Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota.